PD & TD Testing
HV3 are established leaders in the field of diagnostic off-line partial discharge testing of out of-service MV and HV cables. We offer the following service for off-line commissioning and maintenance testing.
HV3 utilise portable, Very Low Frequency (VLF) HV power supplies combined with the B2 Partial Discharge (PD) and Tan Delta (TD) diagnostic measurement modules.
The aim of partial discharge testing is to indicate localised points of weakness and insulation imperfections in MV and HV cables.
DAC Systems ( 132kV – 400kV)
On-site testing of newly installed MV, HV and EHV cable systems is fundamental for the reliable operation of underground transmission & distribution power cable systems. Cable testing is applied for:
- Quality control of cable and accessories installation during after-laying testing
- Maintenance testing during operation or in conjunction with repair work after a failure
- Condition assessment of service aged cable circuits
Damped AC (DAC) is a state-of-the-art testing technology developed specifically for after-laying/ commissioning, maintenance and diagnostic testing, that provides a comprehensive and accurate condition assessment capability for all types of underground cable systems up to 400kV
Advanced DAC technology utilises voltage testing in combination with non-destructive diagnostic methods, such as partial discharge (PD) detection and dissipation factor (tan δ) measurement of the cable system and associated accessories.
Contact our experienced team
Our professional staff are there to help you and answer any queries. From advice to site visits we are there to support you just a telephone call away. Call us on 01329 826 881. Don’t delay, call now for peace of mind and support from professionals in cable fault location. You can also contact us by email by clicking the button.
Message us to request a copy of our quality policy.
Unit 4, Salterns Lane Industrial Estate. Salterns Lane. Fareham. Hampshire. PO16 0SU | info@hv3.co.uk | © HV3 Solutions 2021, Design by Digi Toolbox Ltd